I am already listed as a caregiver for my parents in HealthHub but I am unable to see their user profile when I try to enrol them in Healthier SG. Why is this so?

Caregivers can help their eligible care recipients enrol in Healthier SG through the HealthHub's ‘Health Profiles’ if they meet following conditions: 

  • He/ she has received the SMS invitation on Healthier SG from Ministry of Health (MOH) (sent from a registered sender ID “gov.sg” and not a number)
  • You have added him/ her as your care recipient (People under my care) on HealthHub
  • He/ she has enabled the 'Healthier SG' access for you in their 'Caregiver's Details' page on HealthHub.

Enabling Healthier SG access: As Healthier SG is a new programme, your care recipient needs to first enable 'Healthier SG' access in HealthHub before you can enrol on his/ her behalf. 

Please guide your care recipient to follow the steps below to enable ‘Healthier SG’ access using their Singpass account. 


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