Caregivers can help their eligible care recipients enrol in Healthier SG through the HealthHub's ‘Health Profiles’ if they meet following conditions:
- He/ she has received the SMS invitation on Healthier SG from Ministry of Health (MOH) (sent from a registered sender ID “” and not a number)
- You have added him/ her as your care recipient (People under my care) on HealthHub
- He/ she has enabled the 'Healthier SG' access for you in their 'Caregiver's Details' page on HealthHub.
Enabling Healthier SG access: As Healthier SG is a new programme, your care recipient needs to first enable 'Healthier SG' access in HealthHub before you can enrol on his/ her behalf.
Please guide your care recipient to follow the steps below to enable ‘Healthier SG’ access using their Singpass account.